RIAI Simon Open Door 2020

This will be 16th year of the RIAI Simon Open Door Day Event & takes place: 5-15th May 2020 and we are delighted to be taking part once again. This is a worthy course to support the Simon Communities in their work with homeless people while also giving you the opportunity to have an initial consultation with registered RIAI Architects to discuss a potential project.
In this event RIAI Architects offer their time and expertise to members of the public so that every cent of your payment goes to the Simon Community to help tackle homelessness. The Simon Community throughout Ireland provide care, accomodation and support for people experiencing homeslessness and those at risk. Together with people who are homeless Simon tackles the root causes, promotes innovative responses & urges the governmnent to fullfill commitments.
If you are thinking of making changes to a property this is a fantastic opportunity to have an initial chat with an architect about what you are thinking of doing while contributing to an extremely worthy cause.
We can help you to make the best of your space from maximizing on available space, introducing more daylight, putting storage where it is needed, making a building more accessible, new build, connecting with the garden, conservation repairs, energy efficiency & insulation improvements and retrofitting, questions about planning permission and the like.
If you have a building or renovations project in mind we would love to hear from you. We know how to make the very best of your property and are very aware that every job comes with a budget and its own set of constraints, needs and wish list items.
Tara is really looking forward to meeting people on the day and discussing ideas. Please note places are limited and bookng through the Simon Open Door Day website is essential. The event will be advertised closer to the time when the booking website is live.

Architect B.Arch.MRIAI
RIAI Practice accredited in Conservation at Grade 3
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